Face piercing for girls are very versatile and look gorgeous too! In fact, you can even customize them according to your preference and personality. Typically, you can pierce any part of your body as long as it has a skin covering. If you want to try any of these. If you decide to have your ears pierced there is a period of time that you’re unable to modify the earrings which you have in.
Employing clip on earrings is also an extremely safe way for women to have a beautiful appearance. Many women want to get piercings, but might be turned off by the stereotype piercings may bring or may be worried that having «too big» of a piercing could distract from their other facial features or even draw too much attention.
Your looks
Use proper eye makeup for a more glam look. No matter what age you are, if you wish to experiment with your looks, facial piercings are the right thing for you to do. Typically, you can pierce any part of your body as long as it has a skin covering. If you want to try any of these then be sure to look for a reliable piercing parlor or tattoo shop. This is the kind of girl you want to take home to your parents: she’s sensible, sporty (any more piercings are an inconvenience for a sporty gal) and most likely heading for a high-flying career. In other words, she’s probably a little bit boring.
To help you decide where to put your new hole, I’ve rounded up the sickest studs, hoops, and bars it-girls are currently obsessed with. However, because I’ve never really gotten a straight answer from a guy on what they think of piercings, I decided to ask a bunch of guys, anonymously. To help you out in your piercing pursuits, we’ve rounded up ear piercings, so click ahead for tons of inspiration.